Each month at KLF we support Christian Friends of Israel with a financial contribution. It is used for many things. Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
We are very excited to have John Gilbert Chinedu as our International Missions Liaison. We are also sowing into the construction of "Good News Miracle Assembly" in Lagos Nigeria. Through the next few years we plan to expand our endeavors to more locations.
For years Don Casteberry and Stephen Canup have worked to develop one of the most successful prison ministries in the State of Texas. At KLF, we are opening up the opportunity to sow financially into the ministry. Each month, thousands of inmates are directly impacted.
We have been a long time supporter to Bro Manuel Gonzales for years. He has taken the gospel to many prison inmates in several correction facilities. Thank God for the faithful men & women that take the time to reach out.
Prencess Pearson and her husband Tremayne have a passion to reach out to the homeless and help to minister to them on the streets of Lubbock. KLF has now become an active partner by feeding the homeless every Thursday night.
Each month at KLF we support The Lubbock Dream Center with clothing from the wonderful people of our church. We collect them on the fourth Sunday of each month.
At KLF we are launching a brand new ministry that will be devoted to the single Moms of KLF. Its more than a ministry, it's a mission.
At KLF we are launching a brand new ministry that will be devoted to those that are widows of KLF. If not us then who, If not now then when?
Kingdom Life Fellowship
Kingdom Life Fellowship 4202 Interstate 27 Frontage Road - Lubbock, TX 79412